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For JET Participants 〈JET参加者の皆さまへ〉

1 Saitama Orientation 2020 Online Materials (埼玉オリエンテーション研修資料)

Welcome to Saitama Prefecture, new Kobatons! This year, in light of the global COVID-19 pandemic, Saitama Orientation for new JETs will be held online. Workshop materials have been uploaded in the table below, so please click on the title of the workshop and handout that you would like to view (this will lead to a password-protected download or link). These workshops contain valuable information to help you succeed in your personal and professional life in Japan, so please take the time to view the presentations and read through the handouts.

 Workshop Details  

Data Format

                                 Content Outline                   

Interacting, Curriculum Management, and Goals(ワード:19KB)


Guest Speaker Bradley Semans

YouTube Video (PPT with voiceover)

Workshop Description:

Guest speaker Bradley Semans will give JETs an inside glimpse of the different roles that they and their co-workers play as well as lesson development, so that JETs can understand and make better use of their roles as ALTs.


Interacting, Curriculum Management, and Goals(ワード:727KB)

Lesson Planning and Self Introductions(ワード:21KB)


Emelia Baum, Elizabeth Van Horn, and Roisin Ouellette

PowerPoint (Google Drive, audio included)

Workshop Description:

This workshop aims to teach ALT's how to create lesson plans with their JTE's as well as make interactive self-introduction lessons.


Self Introduction Activities(ワード:23KB)

Lesson Plan Template Blank(ワード:24KB)

Example Handout(ワード:216KB)

Example Lesson Plan(ワード:26KB)

Making Lessons Engaging and Exciting: Warm ups, Activities, and Games(ワード:21KB)

Important things for your daily life (that nobody at Tokyo orientation will tell you about)(ワード:20KB)


Megan Jones and Mioni Armstrong

① YouTube Video (PPT with voiceover)

② PowerPoint (Google Drive, audio file separate)

Workshop Description:

① A presentation about a typical lesson structure and possible activities for each part of the lesson.

② Settling in can feel pretty overwhelming, so here is a handy guide to all of those random things that won't come up elsewhere! From shopping, to trash sorting, to dealing with the NHK man, this guide has a little bit of everything to help you out.


① None

Shopping and Living in Saitama(ワード:588KB)

You, Your JTEs, and Your Students(ワード:20KB)

Kobaton Clinic: Dealing With Your Health in Japan(ワード:21KB)


Daniel Padron, Karlo Cenizal, and Kirsty Broderick

① YouTube Video (PPT with voiceover)

② YouTube Video (PPT with in-screen video)

Workshop Description:

① This workshop aims to help new ALTs begin thinking like ALTs by being presented with various situations and considering the best course of action. Current Saitama ALTs will provide possible solutions to these situations based on their own experiences.

② A comprehensive guide to navigating the healthcare system in Japan and managing your physical, mental, and sexual health.


Strategies for Success(PDF:135KB)

Kobaton Clinic: Dealing With Your Health in Japan(ワード:234KB)

Japanese Students and How They Work(ワード:19KB)


Benjamin Drews and Joseph Mullan

YouTube Video (PPT with voiceover)

Workshop Description:

This workshop will introduce you to important ideas and methods of working with your students in Japan, with a basis in understanding the structure of the Japanese education system and what your students' everyday life may look like.



How to Enjoy Saitama (and Japan) During COVID-19!(ワード:21KB)


Christopher Fried and Jenna Zimmer

PowerPoint (Google Drive, audio included)

Workshop Description:

This presentation is designed to give new JETs information on how to stay safe when leaving the house in light of the current pandemic. We go over some general safety advice for going out in public and commuting to work, as well as some ways to enjoy life in Japan while maintaining recommended guidelines for minimizing the risks of spreading COVID-19. We provide some ideas about how to have fun at home, and how to safely enjoy the new area you call home.



Saitama Regional Information Exchange(PDF:4,976KB) PowerPoint (PDF)

Workshop Description:

This presentation contains information on all the fun activities you can do and wonderful places you can visit in Saitama!



Starting Tips for Navigating Life and Work in Japan as a JET Programme Participant(PDF:2,026KB) PowerPoint (PDF)

Workshop Description:

This presentation contains important information on understanding your workplace culture and fundamentally managing interpersonal conflict, using the JET support system in Saitama and resources for adjusting to life in Japan, and case studies of common situations (try resolving them!).





2 Online Orientation Materials (オリエンテーション資料等)

The following downloadable PDF files were created as resources for JET participants who have recently arrived in Saitama. (A password is required to open some files. If you have lost or forgotten the password, please contact a PA.) Click on the links to download each file.



Extended Orientation Materials(PDF:2,580KB)  General information for Saitama JETs, including explanations of the JET Programme in Saitama (PAs, prefecturals vs municipals, terms and conditions, etc.) and navigating Japanese culture and daily life.



When Disaster Strikes (Extended Online Edition)(PDF:3,126KB)  Information on disaster preparedness, disaster message board services, Japanese phrases for emergencies, emergency supplies checklists, etc.



Health Matters (Extended Online Edition)(PDF:2,801KB)  Information on staying healthy in Japan, Japan's medical and health insurance systems, sample bilingual intake charts, etc.  




3 Leaver's Packet(引き継ぎ書等)

The following downloadable PDF files were created as resources for JET participants preparing to leave the program. To fill out forms electronically and save them locally, you must have free Adobe Reader version 7.0 or above. Click on the links to download each file.

下記のリンクは、再任用しないJETプログラム参加者向けの情報です。それぞれをクリックするとPDFファイルのダウンロードが可能です。PDFファイルを使用するには、無料でダウンロードできる Adobe Reader 7.0 以上が必要です。


Out on a High Note 2024(PDF:6,072KB)  A handbook for JETs finishing their appointment. Includes the forms needed to apply for the pension lump-sum withdrawal payment, information on immigration procedures, and important things to discuss with your contracting organization before leaving.



Predecessor's Guide to Saitama(PDF:334KB) Guidelines on what to write to your sucessor about and what information to include.

Predecessor's Guide to Saitama Form(ワード:258KB) If you would prefer to use a template, we recommend filling this out and sending it to your successor. 




4 Other (その他)

Please refer to this website for more information on the JET Programme (English).



To acccess the latest edition of the General Information Handbook (GIH), please see the websites below.


English: https://jetprogramme.org/en/gih/



県民生活部 国際課  

郵便番号330-9301 埼玉県さいたま市浦和区高砂三丁目15番1号 第三庁舎2階



